The time that the Polar Bear Clubs hit the local frozen waters, that Road Cyclists start to actually THINK about next Road season, that Starbucks begins to wean us off of the famous "PSL", That Runners start ramping up for Boston, and that we all begin to look to that new date 1-1-20?? with reflection of the year past, and thoughts of how we can improve ourselves and our lives.
So let me ask you, What the hell happened to you since last year?!?!?!
I mean, you had resolutions, didn't you? So did you accomplish them? Excel past them? Set the bar too high and/or set a long term goal with no little goals to help you know you're on the way?
I offer you this: For 2014, instead of "Resolving" to do "X" or be "Y", why don't you take the first 30 days, to get to know yourself better?
Seriously, don't you agree that rather than make a statement that you'll feel the gusto to get behind for the first 30 days, and then falter after, just making you feel worse and worse, until come July 4th you forget all about it, why not take the first month to get to know yourself?
Here's the challenge, and what you'll need:
1 pen
1 "Hello Kitty" or "Batman" locking diary/notebook
15 minutes a day
Make these 15 minutes the SAME every day. So if you have 15 minutes of bliss in the morning with your cup of coffee, use that, if not, 15 minutes before bed (after you shower), so that it's an EASY routine to fall into!
in those 15 minutes, you need to write the following:
-3 DIFFERENT things that you are grateful/ happy for (NOT 1 thing can be repeated in these 30 days!)
-3 things about you, your dreams, and your desires. Don't hold back, BUT, start SMALL!
Feel free to share some of those things in the comments below.
Isn't it time to know yourself?
Photo from
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