I just returned from a race weekend with an athlete, for the first time in a few months, and the first of 2014.
Israman Half-Ironman & Ironman Triathlon, here in Eilat, Israel. It's become known as one of the harder Ironman & HIM courses one can race, although oddly, it's not yet a qualifier for Kona, nor part of the Ironman Series...Yet.
Damn did I miss Race weekends!
Sitting at the table on the patio Thursday night (the race is on Friday), drinking a beer and mentally going through the athletes workouts, progress, and game-plan: Going through their needs, and what the mental coaching game plan for race morning would be.... I felt like I've been a fish out of water the last few months.
Why do I love race weekends?
Because I get to see someone who has put their heart and soul into a goal event, ENJOY their day, live the dream, and experience things like never before.
All those great training sessions, and all those shitty ones, struggling to adopt and learn a new approach to training, and learning new skills.... it all comes to fruition on Race day.
I've been coaching for the last 13 years, and I can tell you, that absolutely nothing in my life, compares to being at a race weekend with my athletes and teams...
Ok, maybe my time as a head basketball coach supersedes these race weekends, but I promise you that it is only because of the fact that as opposed to standing on the side cheering, that I was constantly able to see the performance, and make micro- or macro-adjustments as needed DURING the competition. In that setting I could see a group of 5 individuals on the court, come together to accomplish more than the individual parts.
But this post isn't about athlete accomplishments. It's about recognizing where you belong, and sticking to your goals and targets through the tough times, but most importantly, FOCUSING ON WHAT WILL HELP YOU SUCCEED.
No matter what the day, where I am physically or mentally, I ALWAYS know that I belong as a leader, as a coach.
However, it's not because I want my athletes to win.
Talk to any of my athletes, and they'll tell you the words "First place", "Podium", & "Win" are so rarely mentioned, that if/when they are, it usually is around the same time that a new species of animal is discovered here on earth.
I don't care about wins.
I won't care about them in a week, or in 10 years.
Because to me, a placing Overall, in a category, or in an age group, is a by-product.
It's a by-product of:
-Working hard, and SMART.
-Of listening to your body.
-Of a well-planned training year that kept you healthy and well throughout the training year, and going into the race, so you COULD give your best that day.
-Of knowing as a leader, that once that plan is laid out, everything is liable to change as soon as it's started.
-Of listening to what each athlete is giving me as feedback, and adjusting appropriately.
-Of rolling with the punches and making the changes needed, as the great John Wooden Said, "Quickly, but without hurrying"
And most of all, it's a by-product of a PERSONAL training regimen, COMMUNICATION with the athlete-as they need it- and checking any ego I have; as a coach, athlete, or person, at the door before we start.
I care about the integral and vital parts: the parts that come together to accomplish more than the individual parts.
When you focus on the important parts, you get some pretty cool by-products. By-products that are incredibly rewarding, and that when they happen, should absolutely be celebrated, but in and of themselves, shouldn't be the focus.
I don't focus on a by-product, should you?
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