Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Back to it

It's been a good bit since I have written here. Why? I guess because just like most people, I didn't see much feedback from the beginning.

But then sitting here, sharing one of my previous posts, I remembered: Results take time. You MUST be consistent with it.

So here I am, back at it. This time with a plan.

I'll be posting once every 2 weeks to start, and as the habit sinks in,  a bit more than that.

A schedule always helps. It makes it automatic- or as Malcolm Gladwell says in one of his books- It adds more layers of insulation over the nerves that allow you to execute that task. It becomes second nature. It comes without thinking about it. You slowly become an expert at that task.

But it takes time.
And Consistency.

It's that second part that that gets most people.

Many are surprised when some of the athletes I coach walk into a gym, do a short warm-up, and pick up some heavy, heavy weights. The athlete may only be in the gym for 30 minutes, but they get their work done, and get out. How the hell can they get so damn strong?!?!

Maybe that's the secret?

Do "just enough" of the RIGHT thing, and don't waste your time on the crap that others do- you know, the "busy work"....If you are busy, you can't do REAL work.

And then, get out & do other important things.

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