Saturday, January 11, 2014

Breaking status quo

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Well, it's as scary as anything you can think of....Wait, it's scarier.

More than Skydiving, Bungee jumping, and walking on hot coals...

The aforementioned, you know that others have done EXACTY that which you seek to do, and have done so successfully. Yes, some fail, and that can have devastating or even lethal impact and results...but those are known beforehand, and this, well, this is UNPRECEDENTED.

Breaking the current status quo, is terrifying. You don't know how people will respond, granted you know that what you're going to do, or are doing, is going to leave an indelible mark on that specific profession or realm of knowledge.

Here you are, out there all alone. Teaching things a different way, training differently, working differently, thinking and approaching things, differently... STANDING OUT.


You feel like you rushed out of the house, forgot to change, and now here you are, wearing your Hello Kitty Pajamas while giving a presentation to 50 of the most powerful people in the world.

Guess what?

You are.

All eyes on you.

You're LEADING the way. YOU ARE LEWIS & CLARK, trail blazing a new route, in completely unknown territory to those from where you came.... You're showing people a new way to train, a new way to prepare, or a completely new way to look at things in your chosen profession.

Do you have what it takes to succeed? Will you tackle the obstacles with heart, and belief in what you're doing?


How do I know this?

Because you're out there, in your Hello Kitty PJ's, thinking "what the hell am I doing?!?!".....But meanwhile the Basal Ganglia area of your brain (your older, more primitive area of your brain that controls your AUTOMATIC behaviors) is Lit-up like the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center, and it's screaming: "YES. TIME TO GET IT DONE."

It's Automatic.
It's Natural.

You were born for this.

The Podium is set up for you.

Grab your Hello Kitty's time to go to work.
Smile, Deep centering breath, and step out, cuz soon enough, everyone is going to be wearing Hello Kitty PJ's.

Want to train differently for your sport?
Contact me:

"Train Smarter, Not Harder"TM
Human Vortex Training LLC.

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